Dental Crown Services In Dallas, TX

patient smiling after receiving dental crowns

Are you looking for the very best dental crowns in Dallas, TX? Fitz Dental provides efficient and thorough restorative services that are designed with comfort in mind! Our local dental office in Dallas is equipped with family-friendly amenities to make your appointment process stress-free and enjoyable!

What Is A Dental Crown?

A dental crown, also known as a tooth cap or tooth crown, is a dental restoration used to cover teeth that have been weakened due to decay or injury. They are also used to top off dental implants and after root canal treatments.

Our tooth crowns replace the full outside of the tooth - all the way down to the gum line. This technique preserves both the health and appearance of your natural smile!

Our dental team may recommend a tooth crown in the following situations:

  • A tooth that is broken or worn
  • To anchor dental bridges
  • To top off dental implants
  • For cosmetic reasons
  • To reinforce a tooth after root canal therapy

How Much Do Dental Crowns Cost?

Your out-of-pocket dental crown cost will depend on your dental insurance plan. If you do not have dental insurance or if you need extra help affording your out-of-pocket costs, Fitz Dental is here to help! We offer in-house cash discounts and no-interest financing plans through CareCredit®.

Call us today if you have questions about financing your dental crown cost!

Schedule Your Appointment With Fitz Dental Today!

If you have a loose crown or are suffering from tooth pain, call us today today to schedule an appointment.

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    10:00am- 6:00pm
    10:00am- 6:00pm
    10:00am- 6:00pm
    10:00am- 6:00pm
    10:00am- 6:00pm